Seth Godin in his blog has just pointed out that everything we do as enterprises, good or bad, impacts our community. We took that concept a step deeper to say that there is no conflict between doing good for the community and making a profit, as described in this excerpt from our new book ‘The Human Constraint’. […]
Archives for May 2015
The Theory of Constraints for Software Development and DevOps (or How to Train Your Phoenix)
Intelligent Management Inc. was recently invited by the IT department of a large insurance company to teach them about the Theory of Constraints. They read a recent book called ‘The Phoenix Project’ that points to the Theory of Constraints as a solution for radically improving software development and delivery. In this post we look at how […]
The Big Picture of Management Through the Theory of Constraints (TOC)
Due to the global success of Dr. Goldratt’s first business novel ‘The Goal’ most people mistakenly think of TOC as just a technique for manufacturing. While TOC does produces fast and radical improvements in manufacturing processes, it is in fact a whole system philosophy and method. The thinking that underlies this theory stems from a worldview […]