It’s a new year and the noise of change is already ringing loudly, in some cases, disastrously. What can we do in 2025 to make our lives and our businesses better?
First and foremost, understand that our reality is complex. We cannot stress this enough. We all live within networks of interdependent relationships and events. Linear strategies and linear thinking are inadequate for the challenges that emerge from the complex web of interdependencies. This is true on every scale, global, national, social, business and personal.
Dealing with uncertainty
The good news is that, no matter how much uncertainty there is in the world, we can equip ourselves with a way of thinking, interacting and acting that is systemic and much more appropriate. The Theory of Constraints and the Decalogue Method provide a guided path for self-determination. Making conscious choices and creating a structured path to implement them is the greatest remedy for overcoming fear. These choices will be even more effective when they are informed by an accurate understanding of what it means to operate in a world where complexity dominates. In challenging times it is tempting for people to revert to more simplistic interpretations of reality and linear thinking. These options can only lead to sub-optimal results at best and are likely to be counter-productive.
For businesses, as they start the year it is vital to re-examine what they are offering to the market to make sure it is addressing Undesirable Effects that their customers are facing. This is how to provide the highest perceived value. We highly recommend using the Core Conflict method to carry out this analysis and prepare a solid path forward. Embedding a mindset and method for continuous innovation is paramount and this can be achieved with the Thinking Processes from the Theory of Constraints. As of this year, we now have dedicated programs to transfer this ability to organizations.
May we wish all our subscribers a 2025 of exponential good.
Highlights from a year of transition
In 2024, Intelligent Management experienced a considerable increase in attention for our posts on a systemic approach to management. This is very encouraging. The following links are some of our most popular posts from throughout the year.
Confused About the theory of Constraints? Don’t Be
Business, Emotion and the Human Constraint
Navigating Our Beliefs to Make Good Decisions
The Critical Chain Method for Project Management: The Best Kept Secret
Understanding the Theory of Constraints from Books
How to Manage Any Organization as a Network
A New Generation of Entrepreneurs and Leaders Facing Unprecedented Challenges
Beyond Teams: Building a Systemic Organization
The Theory of Constraints: Why Words Matter So Much
Addressing the cognitive Human Constraint in Organizations
Obstacles, Ambition and Getting to the Goal
Exponential Thinking for Exponential Growth
The business novel ‘The Human Constraint’ by Intelligent Management co-founder Angela Montgomery was recently published by Routledge. She was interviewed by John Willis and featured in two episodes of the Essential Dynamics Podcast and was invited to give a presentation to the International Society for Systems Science. Here are the links:
Angela Montgomerys presentation to the International Society for Systems Science
John willis interviews Angela Montgomery
Essential dynamics Podcast epsiodes featuring Angela Montgomery on ‘The Human Constraint’
To find out more about ten guided steps to a systemic leap ahead for your company, contact Angela Montgomery at: intelligentmanagement@sechel.ws

Intelligent Management works with decision makers with the authority and responsibility to make meaningful change to optimize your company for the digital age. We have helped dozens of organizations to adopt a systemic approach to manage complexity and radically improve performance and growth for over 25 years through our Decalogue management methodology. The Network of Projects organization design we developed is supported by our Ess3ntial software for multi-project finite scheduling based on the Critical Chain algorithm.
See our latest books: The Human Constraint from Routledge; From Silos to Networks: A New Kind of Science for Management from Springer; Moving the Chains: An Operational Solution for Embracing Complexity in the Digital Age by our Founder Dr. Domenico Lepore, and ‘Quality, Involvement, Flow: The Systemic Organization’ from CRC Press, New York by Dr. Domenico Lepore, Dr. Angela Montgomery and Dr. Giovanni Siepe.
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