As 2019 comes to a close, all of us at Intelligent Management send our warmest wishes to those who have taken the time to read our work. We are proud to have concluded another year of disruptive thinking. It is not disruption for the sake of it, but the creative disruption that comes from challenging […]
Archives for December 2019
If Top Sectors Apply Critical Chain Method to Accelerate Projects, Why Does PMI Keep it Secret?
Every company has to coordinate and synchronize internal and external actions to get results. That’s the way every industry works and success depends on it. We can call it Project Management. There are thousands, if not millions, of well-meaning Project Managers around the world whose job is to help projects work. People spend millions of […]
The End of the McKinsey Model of Management Consulting?
A new book is asking why young people who arrive at college and want to change the world end up working for Goldman Sachs and McKinsey. ‘Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World’ by Anand Giridharadas explores how “the global elite’s efforts to “change the world” preserve the status quo and obscure […]
Changing How We Think Business for the Digital Age
We were recently asked an important question following an article of ours about the dangers of linear thinking: “I can see how organizations could get stuck in one way of thinking as it often happens. How can organizations avoid being linear while forming their strategic plan?” At Intelligent Management we take a systemic view of […]