Nothing in our world today is quite the same as it was just a year ago. Many people have had to change completely the way they work and live and many will never “return to normal”. Managing change is something that all of us must become familiar with and it has become a fundamental element […]
The Theory of Constraints and Reaching New Heights
It’s complicated to shift our perception and the way we think if we live in a culture out of synch with what we are trying to achieve. That’s because we all live within networks of conversations that inevitably influence how we see the world. We are all ultimately free to choose our own path, but […]
Ensuring Growth in the Digital Age: Looking at Retail
The speed of the change that digitization is bringing is dizzying. It is forcing companies to think hard about the very meaning of the way they do business. Old models are no longer valid and businesses need to catch up fast or lose market share and opportunities. Consolidated experience that had a high value suddenly […]
Education for the Future of Work? Think Projects and Networks
Work is becoming increasingly project-based; the ability to navigate networks and work within a team towards the completion of simple and complex projects will be required of the future workforce. Unfortunately, we are still basing our education system today on models and content that were appropriate 50-100 years ago but that are no longer so […]
Is Making a Profit in Conflict with Doing Good? It’s All About Pie
When you frame the question of making a profit versus doing good as a conflict, you can quickly get to the root of the problem. Much of it has to do with the way we think about what profit is. When we challenge our understanding of profit, all kinds of new possibilities arise. How do we […]
Radically Rethinking How to Improve Work-Life Balance
Is it possible to find that elusive work-life balance so many seek? We think that’s the wrong question. However, there is something you can do to focus your energies on what you truly need. It works for organizations, and it can work for individuals too. I want it all, and I want it now Our reality […]
Beyond the Comfort Zone for Organizations
The problem with comfort zones is that we stick with them even when they are no longer fit for purpose. We prefer to squeeze ourselves into an awkward space as long as it’s familiar, rather than expanding into the unknown. Comfort zones prevent us from doing anything that goes beyond what we already know. In […]
Nothing Is Where You Think it Is – Maps and Mental Models
Our continents just got skinnier, America and Europe just got smaller and Africa and South America got a lot bigger. It’s not a hoax. It’s what happens when a school district decides to adopt a more realistic map of the world. It turns out that the images we are all accustomed to seeing reveal cultural […]
Does Every Organization Need a Vision?
Vision is a crucial element for any organization. The problem is, how do you pin it down and how to you embed it into operations? We had a lot of fun in Italy making a short video about this subject with our good friends Hyphen-Italia, a leader in supporting top brands with Digitalization. In this […]
Can Doing Good Be Good for Business?
A lot of language connected with business has to do with aggression. Not only that, a lot of behavior in business can be aggressively competitive. Phrases like ‘eat what you kill’ illustrate the point. So do businesses have to be ruthlessly self-interested and aggressive to be successful? Is a zero-sum mentality the only way? The […]