We are living in times where many things seem to be turned upside down. What seemed unthinkable until recently is taking place, even beyond our imagination. What about the way we manage organizations? The traditional hierarchical model persists throughout the world. While it may be effective in certain environments such as the military, it is […]
Goldman Sachs is WRONG About Managing Remote Work
Goldman Sachs wants its people back on the office five days a week. Thank you Janet Granger for sharing the article with us: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/14/goldman-sachs-wants-workers-in-office-5-days-a-week-and-other-companies-could-follow.html The CEO of Goldman Sachs even considers remote work an “aberration” and said “I do think for a business like ours which is an innovative, collaborative apprenticeship culture, this is not […]
Deming, Goldratt and Critical Chain – the Pillars for Transforming Management and Organizations Today
Today’s post is by the Founder of Intelligent Management Inc. Dr. Domenico Lepore and it is Part 1 of our new series on a new perspective for business management and a valid solution for sustainable growth. In 1997, I was among the few to receive from Larry Gadd, Dr. Goldratt’s Publisher at North River Press, […]
The Network of Projects –a Concrete and Operational Alternative to Deloitte’s ‘Adaptable Organization’
There is clearly something very wrong with the way most companies above a certain size are managed. They are fragmented, wasteful, slow, over-bureaucratic, unable to leverage internal talent, detached from their customers’ needs and, in most cases, a frustrating place to work. When a global crisis hits, these inadequacies become acute and a real threat […]
Deloitte’s ‘Adaptable Organization’ Transformation – Nice Images, Shame About the Content
We are not in the business of comparing or contrasting what other consultants do. Consequently, we would not normally engage in a takedown of anybody’s work. However, the inadequacies of what Deloitte is proposing with its ‘Adaptable Organization’ could not elude us. We’re grateful to all those thousands who viewed our post on LinkedIn […]
Flatter, Faster, Fairer – Operational Changes for a Flatter Organization
If traditional style hierarchies are no longer appropriate for our fast-changing world, then what is a realistic, operational alternative? How can we make organizations flatter and at the same time ensure speed of flow and meaningful work in a fair way? And how to we achieve a flatter organization operationally? Start with the right mindset The […]
Buffer Money -Radically Protecting Projects
Today’s post is by our Founder, Dr. Domenico Lepore. We have been writing extensively about the benefits of a design that mirrors the inherent project nature of the work of any organization. We call it the ‘Network of Projects’ organization design. The steps to build a Network of Projects organization are: 1) Recognizing that organizations are Systems, Networks of […]
Silos – Overcoming the Enemy of Digital Transformation
If organizations need to learn anything today it’s how to overcome silos. Silos are the number one enemy of productivity and competitiveness, especially in digital transformation. They also seriously threaten the quality of life of employees. An article by former Navy Seal Chris Fussell ‘The battlefield experience that made me realize the danger of silos and isolated […]
Biggest Challenge? Not Technology but the Organization Design
A truth is beginning to emerge about how reality is shifting in organizations. It was voiced clearly in a presentation yesterday by the CEO of a forward-thinking digital solutions provider in Italy, Stefano Righetti of Hyphen-Italia. The truth is this: no company will be able do without Digital Transformation, at least for its core processes. […]
Bulldoze Business Schools? A New Systemic Curriculum for Complexity in Business and Management
Our business world is changing rapidly. Complexity dominates and old solutions no longer work. Some refer to this as the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Given all these changes, it is remarkable to see that MBAs are offering much the same program content as 20 years ago. A Professor in the UK has gone as far as […]