In a moment when so many businesses must learn to start again, they could not do better than build their efforts on the solid foundations of Deming’s Theory of Profound Knowledge. His credentials are impeccable: Japan was able to emerge from devastation and become an economic powerhouse by absorbing and applying his teachings after WWII. […]
Why you Need Theory, Not Tips, for Your Organization Today
The world is full of tips on how to do things better. The problem is that without some solid theory behind you, those tips are just patches. Theory, you say? But we need something practical, don’t we? Well, here’s the thing. There is no such thing as good practice without solid theory to back it […]
Four Fundamental Knowledge Areas for Leaders and Managers Today
Last week, Intelligent Management was delighted to be in Vancouver as our founder, Dr. Domenico Lepore, was invited to address the national conference of CIOs in Canada to talk about leadership. We are very proud that Domenico’s participation in the CIO conference was recognized with a donation from the CIO Association of Canada of $1,500 […]
Systems Thinking and Public Policy – Start Making Sense
An article in informs about how linear logic drastically failed the Boston suburb of Somerville when a highway and an overpass were built right through it. The unintended consequences of the road building that seemed rational were huge for the community of the suburb. Mayor Curtatone had the good sense to team up with a Systems […]
Nothing Is the Same: How to Survive and Thrive in Today’s Market
This month marks ten years since the start of the 2007 financial crisis. Our economic models have failed us. Anyone who has lived with the aftermath of that crisis knows that. Many have lost their jobs, or lost their investments and even their future prospects. Many who expected to have a smooth career path are getting […]
Four Fundamental Strands of Knowledge for Managers and Leaders
Although the majority of organizations are divided up into functions and silos (and suffer every day from the ill-effects of that) they are in fact one system. They simply do not see it because of an out of date approach to management based on vertical hierarchy and local optima. What do we mean when we […]
Why Have We Written a Business Novel? Now Available!
If you had to choose between reading a text book about business and reading a good story, you might be more tempted by the story. But what if you didn’t have to make that choice? What if you could learn about a transformational approach to business and read a darn good story at the same […]