Digitalization is something companies are increasingly coming to grips with and it is radically impacting business models. Communication channels are multiplying and consumer behaviours and expectations are changing. This means that producers of goods and services have to supply the right information to the various channels available in order to be seen, heard and sell. Every […]
Come together, right now! Technology for Collaboration
New technological platforms are emerging almost daily to allow people to come together and collaborate. This should be good news because every human activity aimed at producing a result requires collaboration. Even more good news is that this is very healthy in evolutionary terms: collaboration is more effective than competition. The very success of our species […]
Creative Thinking for Business – A Process that Can Be Learned
How can we produce more creative business thinkers? What sort of things should business schools be teaching to make that happen? When asked those questions, Neil Turok, Physicist and the director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario answered: “I’d want to show students how to see vast opportunities where everyone else […]
Truly Transformational – The Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Unity of Purpose
Once you have understood and experienced the transformational power of the Theory of Constraints there is no going back. It changes your life in ways that you might not have imagined. This is true for individuals as much as it is for companies and organizations. Where does that shift come from? This week marks the […]
Science against Silos – Why Organizations Need to Be Systems
The world of management is changing fast, and yet we still live in an environment where the prevailing organizational design is “functional/hierarchical” and organizations are thought of as a collection of silos. At the same time, we know that we are experiencing increasing levels of complexity. Why is it so hard to manage these increased […]
The PMO and the Brilliant Future of Project Managers
This post is by Dr. Domenico Lepore, Founder of Intelligent Management. A few days ago I had the opportunity to present the ideas that we at Intelligent Management promote on both sides of the “pond” to an extremely qualified and attentive audience: The Northern Italian Chapter of the PMI Institute. The venue, a very well-known […]
Back to the beginnings of Deming and Goldratt
A recent celebration in Venice with our great friend and mentor, Oded Cohen, brought to mind when the Theory of Constraints (TOC) first came into our lives over 20 years ago. Oded was the person who transferred to us the knowledge, dedication and passion that comes with deep learning of TOC. Thinking back to those […]
Beyond the Comfort Zone for Organizations
The problem with comfort zones is that we stick with them even when they are no longer fit for purpose. We prefer to squeeze ourselves into an awkward space as long as it’s familiar, rather than expanding into the unknown. Comfort zones prevent us from doing anything that goes beyond what we already know. In […]
Project Resilience – a Systems View
Conversations at Intelligent Management this week have been abuzz with Project Management. This is hardly surprising as we have been preparing to speak at the sold-out event tomorrow evening for PMI Northern Italy dedicated to the New Leadership for Complexity. But also because Project Management really is at the heart of every kind of business. […]
Innovation and Work: From Galileo to Blockchain
Every year in Padua, Italy, the university of Padua, one of the oldest in the world, organizes the Galileo Innovation Festival. Intelligent Management was delighted to be invited by Adacta Innovation Lab to speak this year at the historical Caffè Pedrocchi together with Stefano Righetti, CEO of Hyphen-Italia and Patrizio Bof, CEO of Infinite Area. […]