We’re a little late this week with our post as we are working intensively with clients who are growing, in spite of a global crisis. This is one of the principal benefits of adopting a systemic approach. We would like to share with you something that the Director of an international recruiting company posted […]
How Coronavirus in Italy Revealed a Digital Business Innovation Success
The Intelligent Management team is currently in northern Italy where the Coronavirus has created unprecedented levels of disruption to daily life and to businesses and the economy at large. The extraordinary circumstances, however, have also highlighted the unique advantages of a solution developed by one of our oldest clients and dear friends at Hyphen-Italia, a […]
Ten Steps To Transform Your Enterprise from Fragmented into a Whole System
In our last post we made a bold statement: Many companies could probably achieve ten times what they are achieving with the competencies and resources they currently have available. So why don’t they? It’s all connected with the way we think about what a company is and how it should be designed and operated to be most […]
Some Summer Reading for Whole System Change
The famous “brioche con gelato” in Salerno, Italy. As we take a few days off mid-August Italian style, we wish all our subscribers and readers a serene and regenerating summer period. We will be back soon with our regular blog. In the meantime, here is a selection of some of our most popular posts […]
Making Another World – Transformation Today
A recent comment on LinkedIn asks what Dr. W. Edwards Deming meant when he said, “We are here to make another world.” As we start a new year, it’s highly appropriate time to look at that phrase. Dr. Deming was a physicist and statistician whose work founded the Quality movement. He is perhaps best known […]
Design and Manage Your Organization as a Whole System or Underperform
When things get complicated in organizations, we can be tempted to “break them up” to try and simplify. Divide and conquer. That just makes matters worse. Why? Because an organization is in fact a whole system. Everything inside is interconnected and interdependent, so when we try and manage them any differently we inevitably underperform. By not […]
Seeing the Big Picture of Management with the Theory of Constraints
Due to the global success of Dr. Goldratt’s first business novel ‘The Goal’ most people mistakenly think of TOC as just a technique for manufacturing. While TOC does produces fast and radical improvements in manufacturing processes, it is in fact a whole system philosophy and method. The thinking that underlies this theory stems from a worldview […]
Four Essential Qualities for Leadership in Today’s Complex World
Times are changing fast and leaders need to adapt. We have evolved far beyond a simple situation where people just need to be told what to do. What does it take to be a leader in today’s complex word? We give four essential qualities required for 21st century leadership. Number One: A leader must have […]