Our lives today are filled with unprecedented levels of rapid change and complexity. Unintended consequences can quickly emerge from inadequate leadership thinking, and we are living with these every day. So we have an urgent need to learn to think in a “joined-up” way. The definition of ‘joined-up thinking” is: “thinking about a complicated problem in […]
Rethink and Reorganize: A Reliable Process to Rise Above Your Competitors
We live with such uncertainty today that only one thing is sure: change and adaptation are inevitable and what brought success to businesses in the past may no longer be valid. Trying constantly to “keep up” is exhausting. There is a much better alternative that is, instead, invigorating. Rather than keep up, businesses can step […]
Who Should Work from Home?
A recent article in a magazine for CEOs posed the question, who should work remotely? “As we slowly emerge from the pandemic and the resulting stay-at-home orders, organizational leaders need to make difficult decisions on who will—and won’t—be required to return to the office. With study after study showing that most employees are not interested […]
Future Proof Your Organization with a Systems Based Approach – 45 Easy Pieces
This week at Intelligent Management we are focusing on getting ready to launch something very special at the end of May. Over the last year, since the COVID epidemic began, we made an extra effort to publish material regularly to help people adopt a systems view as a way of moving beyond the crisis. Instead […]
Time for a Complete Rethink of the Role of Management
As we have declared in several publications over the years, our goal at Intelligent Management is the transformation of the prevailing, silo-based, organizational design and management style into one of whole system optimization. The month of May is an important one for all of us at Intelligent Management. It marks the 25th anniversary of the […]
What Is the Theory of Constraints REALLY About?
This week we had the pleasure of being invited to give an introductory seminar on the Theory of Constraints in Canada. As there can be many misunderstandings about what The Theory of Constraints really is, we thought it would be a good opportunity to share a brief overview in this post. The theory of Constraints […]
Business, Politics, Wall Street: the Learning Organization and Our Interconnected Future
“In order to live and prosper in this world of unprecedented interconnection we have to learn at a much faster pace…” Our Founder, Dr. Domenico Lepore wrote this passage in 2010 as the global financial crisis continued to rage. Those words were prophetic and even more relevant and urgently needed today. The following is an […]
What Does it Take to Be a Leader in Today’s Complex World?
Times are changing fast and leaders need to adapt. We have evolved far beyond a simple situation where people just need to be told what to do. We suggest four essential qualities required for 21st century leadership. Number One: A leader must have real knowledge A leader in today’s complex world cannot be a person […]
How to Manage Decentralized Work – Out of the Crisis Series Part 4
Making the best use of the resources we have in a sustainable way was always necessary, but it became dramatically evident and urgent following the Coronavirus crisis. The lockdowns that forced organizations to carry on working outside their normal locations accelerated a major change that was already taking place – the shift towards digital and […]
How to Improve Company Culture and Performance with a Transformation Based on Competencies
In the previous article in this series, Dr. Domenico Lepore covered the key ingredients needed to gear up for complexity and speed. Here in Part 6 he introduces the idea of competencies as the engine for transformation. As declared in several publications over the years, our goal at IM is the transformation of the prevailing, silo-based, organizational design and […]