It’s a question that must be on so many people’s minds today. All around us, from the people who “deliver” our day-to-day services to the people who lead countries, let alone smaller areas of responsibility, some days we seem to be drowning in incompetence. How is it possible that so much incompetence abounds and why […]
Archives for 2019
Digital Transformation: Advice from the Field
This month we are excited about the upcoming release of our Founder Dr. Domenico Lepore’s new book ‘Moving the Chains: An Operational Solution for Embracing Complexity in the Digital Age‘ from BEP Press NYC. Outspoken as ever, Domenico takes this opportunity to underline the challenges facing organizations today in a world where complexity dominates and […]
Every Project is a System – Don’t Ignore these Systemic Principles for Effective Project Management
This week we delivered an over-subscribed webinar for the Project Management Institute (PMI) global platform. It is always a privilege to address people in many different countries on such a vital subject matter. Project Management affects every single one of us, as citizens and consumers. Today’s post introduces some critical concepts when it comes to effective […]
How to Exert Positive Leadership with an Action Plan for Change
There’s a lot of noise and chaos out there. In their lives an in their organizations, people are feeling lost and powerless. What can we do? How can we have positive leadership and take action for change? Systemic Thinking for Systemic Action If things are not going right in your life and organization you can do […]
Moving the chains: Rethinking Competitiveness in the Digital Age
We’re excited that the new book by our Founder, Dr. Domenico Lepore, will be coming out next month. It’s called ‘Moving the Chains: An Operational Solution for Embracing Complexity in the Digital Age‘. Dr. Domenico Lepore answers four key questions here about competitiveness in the Digital Age. 1) What does digital mean for business and […]
The One Principle You Cannot Ignore for 21st Century Business Success
There is one universally valid principle that no business can ignore to achieve success and sustainable growth, highlighted in the following extract from the business novel ‘The Human Constraint’, bought in 40 countries so far. May looked at her notes again. She had to get things right for the article about the new way that […]
Leadership and Management Skills for Today’s Complex Markets
There is so much talk about Leadership these days. It’s ironic when there are so few examples of effective Leaders. It does make sense though, because people have the intuition that Leadership is really key when it comes to moving out of a crisis. The urgent question here is, what is the context for leadership? […]
Never Take Peace for Granted – It’s a Thought Process
Today is Holocaust Memorial day. This is also a week where a shooting in a Chabad synagogue in San Diego, California, led to the loss of life and injuring of innocent people. So today I am presenting again some thoughts about peace and a concrete process that can help to build it, among individuals, in […]
Optimize Performance and 1+1 Equals More Than 2
We posted an interview with W. Edwards Deming “”the man who transformed Japan into a formidable business competitor “on LinkedIn this week entitled “Management Today Does Not Know What its Job Is”. Part of the problem is that managers “don’t have the required knowledge or abilities.” Let’s look at some of the necessary knowledge that has […]
Competitiveness at National Level – Lepore Unleashed
Today’s post is by our Founder Dr. Domenico Lepore, based on the speech he was asked to give about ‘Competitiveness at National Level’ at the Horasis Global Forum last week. There is a very long “Laundry List” of elements at play in creating competitiveness for a Nation: from Education to Healthcare, from Transparency to Cybersecurity, […]