A major stumbling block to growth for organizations lies in their cognitive constraints. In other words, there are mental models, or, more simply, limiting beliefs that prevent us from seeing solutions. In the Decalogue approach, we have worked over the last 20 years with hundreds of top and middle managers to build custom made implementations […]
Using Constraints as a Leverage Point for Sustainable Growth
Whether you’re aware of it or not, every organization has a constraint, something that currently limits output. Correctly identifying the constraint is the key to managing the entire organization in all its complexity with greater precision and predictability. As we have said many times, every human process, from getting to work in the morning to […]
Uncertainty and Choice: Quantum Mechanics for Leaders and Managers
A recent article in ‘Scientific American’ has been getting some attention called ‘Quantum Epistemology for Business’. As two of our partners are physicists we have to have our say so here’s our blog post about business and quantum mechanics, by Dr. Giovanni Siepe. Let’s be honest with ourselves: we don’t like uncertainty and we don’t […]
Ethical, Sustainable and for the Common Good – a Playbook
As Super Bowl fever rises, it’s worth recalling that Chrystia Freeland, global editor at large for Reuters, reviewed a book that suggests capitalism has something to learn from the NFL; it is the duty of society to ensure that the rules of capitalism are working for the common good. The NFL continuously tweaks the rules […]
Creating, Operating and Getting Results with an Enterprise as a Sustainable System
In this post we look at how we can create a sustainable system, how we can operate as a sustainable system, and the results this will help us achieve. What would happen if everyone came to work and just did their own thing? Even with the best of intentions, this would not be a great […]
The True Meaning of Leadership – A Systems View
Our founder, Dr. Domenico Lepore, has been invited to talk about Leadership at the national conference of the CIO Association of Canada in April 2018. Here is a preview of what he will saying about the true meaning of leadership. “I would say to the House, As I said to those who have joined the […]
Make Your Organization a Sustainable Enterprise
What is a sustainable enterprise, what does it takes to create it, and how can it be achieved and maintained? What do we actually mean by sustainable enterprise? To sustain means at its most basic level to keep alive or in existence; this is the basic goal of any business. ‘Sustainable business’ goes further by […]
Is Making a Profit in Conflict with Doing Good? It’s All About Pie
When you frame the question of making a profit versus doing good as a conflict, you can quickly get to the root of the problem. Much of it has to do with the way we think about what profit is. When we challenge our understanding of profit, all kinds of new possibilities arise. How do we […]
The Theory of Constraints for IT and DevOps (or How to Train Your Phoenix)
Intelligent Management Inc. was invited by the IT department of a large insurance company to teach them about the Theory of Constraints for IT. They had read a book called ‘The Phoenix Project’ that points to the Theory of Constraints as a solution for radically improving software development and delivery. In this post we look […]
Digital Means We Must All Change Our Thinking
Organizations are becoming fast aware that they must digitize. This change is happening at a disorienting speed as the online and digital increasingly intertwine with our physical and tangible world. Some of our oldest, even ancient industries, like printing and clothes manufacturing, are becoming increasingly digitized. Process-based to overcome silos When companies embark on digitization, […]