In this post we will be looking at what we consider to be the Core Conflict regarding Education and Innovation. We have analyzed this conflict using a rigorous tool that combines intuition with logical analysis to produce a solution that is a non-linear synthesis. This Thinking Process Tool is known as the Core Conflict Cloud […]
Reality is not made up of cycles but complexity – Innovation and Education Part 2
Prof. Pagano is Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at University of Salerno, Italy. His considerations here provide the backdrop for verbalizing the core conflict in which educational institutions, schools and universities are immersed. We will analyze that core conflict in our next post. Cycles We tend to see recursive patterns in all aspects of life. […]
Innovation & Education: The School of Evolution
This post is by Prof. Sergio Pagano, a member of the Intelligent Management team and an educator. He teaches physics at the University of Salerno, Italy, and has spent twenty years doing scientific research on superconductive electronics, macroscopic quantum coherence and nonlinear physics, so he is also concerned with innovation in science. Current Conflict in […]
Can a Standard for Innovation Make Companies Smarter? – Standard of Innovation Part 5 of 5
This post is by Dr. Domenico Lepore, an international expert on systems thinking for management. He is the Founder of Intelligent Management Inc. An organization requires great focus in order to keep up with the continuous innovation process. The focus needed can only be developed as a result of an improved “collective systemic intelligence”. By […]
Can a Standard Stimulate Innovation or Stifle it? Standard of Innovation Part 4 of 5
Dr. Domenico Lepore, Founder of Intelligent Management Inc. and international expert in Quality and Systems Thinking for organizations, continues his series on the Standard of Innovation. Why do we have Standards? Standards are created to allow operationally defined quantities to be measured in a way that makes sense. After having defined “Volt” we need a […]
The Interconnection of Leadership, Quality and Innovation – Standard of Innovation Part 3 of 5
Dr. Domenico Lepore, Founder of Intelligent Management Inc. and international expert in Quality and Systems Thinking for organizations, continues his series on the Standard of Innovation. Leadership: definition and role Earlier in this series we suggested the first 2 steps towards prosperous innovation: 1) creating an operational definition 2) challenging the assumption that imagination is […]
Standard of Innovation Part 2 of 5: Imagination Does Not Equal Innovation
This post is by Dr. Domenico Lepore, an international expert on systems thinking for management. Together with Oded Cohen he developed the Decalogue Management Methodology, combining the management philosophy of the founding father of Quality, W. Edwards Deming, with the Theory of Constraints. Dr. Lepore is no stranger to standards. The device that resulted from […]
The Standard of Innovation Part 1 – a word about words
This post is by Dr. Domenico Lepore, an international expert on systems thinking for management. Together with Oded Cohen he developed the Decalogue Management Methodology, combining the management philosophy of the founding father of Quality, W. Edwards Deming, with the Theory of Constraints. Dr. Lepore is no stranger to standards. The device that resulted from […]
Why Physics is Crucial for Understanding Global Business: the Network of Corporations
The entire world is in turmoil; people are on the streets complaining about the economy and the way politicians and experts are dealing with the crisis. The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement is gaining somewhat fuzzy momentum. Today they are organizing a march against Goldman Sachs in New York. Is the corporate world intrinsically unfair? A […]
Educating for complexity: How do we transform schools into centres of innovation?
“The challenge we face is nothing less than transforming our schools from assembly-line factories into centers of innovation.” Those are the words of Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City where the iZone project is transforming education. Clearly, the 19th style classroom and methods are not cutting it for the challenges of today. The iZone […]