Why is it that we bump into the word ‘sustainable’ all over the place now? In this week’s post, Dr. Giovanni Siepe explains how sustainability is, in fact, about survival. Sustainability is a word that we often hear in conversations that involve environment, economy, organizations and many other aspects of our everyday lives. What is […]
Dealing with our Cognitive Constraints to Get to Breakthrough
A major stumbling block to growth for organizations lies in the ‘cognitive constraints’. In other words, there are mental models, or, more simply, limiting beliefs that prevent us from seeing solutions. In the Decalogue approach, we have worked over the last 15 years with hundreds of top and middle managers to build custom made implementations […]
The Constraint as Leverage Point for Sustainable Growth
By correctly identifying the constraint (bottleneck) of our organization, we can manage its inherent complexity with greater precision and predictability. As we saw in the last entry of this blog, every human process, from getting to work in the morning to sending a man to the moon, is affected by variation. In other words, a […]
Leadership of a Sustainable Enterprise
A leader is somebody who has a theory; somebody who “owns” a body of knowledge that backs his claims that they can accomplish a transformation within their span of control. That transformation must be one of system optimization as a prerequisite for innovation; one in which competition is replaced by cooperation, where performances are managed […]
Sustainable Enterprise – You Know It Makes Sense
What is a sustainable enterprise, what does it takes to create it, and how can it be achieved and maintained? In an ideal world, every business would be sustainable, and therefore inherently a social enterprise. People would just realize it makes more sense for everyone in the long run. That’s clearly not the way things […]
Flawed Models – Why We Need a New Economics
What is is wrong with mainstream economic and financial models today? Continuing the series on a New Economics. Mainstream economic and financial models, the ones that currently rule the markets and determine value, have shifted their focus over the years from what is best for the society they should try to model to what is […]
What Do We Mean By A New Economics?
Best efforts and hard work, not guided by new knowledge, they only dig deeper the pit we are in. The aim of this book is to provide new knowledge. Deming, The New Economics. Economics as a ‘political science’ A new knowledge was created by W. Edwards Deming for creating systems-based organizations. That knowledge calls […]
New Economics Leadership: Quality, Involvement, Flow
What if being a leader has nothing to do with creating followers? Dr. Domenico Lepore, Founder of Intelligent Management, writes about Leadership. Leadership and selflessness A leader must provide their people with a vision of life and this vision must be permeated with the idea of justice; a leader with their words and actions must […]
The Interconnection of Leadership, Quality and Innovation – Standard of Innovation Part 3 of 5
Dr. Domenico Lepore, Founder of Intelligent Management Inc. and international expert in Quality and Systems Thinking for organizations, continues his series on the Standard of Innovation. Leadership: definition and role Earlier in this series we suggested the first 2 steps towards prosperous innovation: 1) creating an operational definition 2) challenging the assumption that imagination is […]
Standard of Innovation Part 2 of 5: Imagination Does Not Equal Innovation
This post is by Dr. Domenico Lepore, an international expert on systems thinking for management. Together with Oded Cohen he developed the Decalogue Management Methodology, combining the management philosophy of the founding father of Quality, W. Edwards Deming, with the Theory of Constraints. Dr. Lepore is no stranger to standards. The device that resulted from […]