The nature of work is changing and it’s happening fast. So fast, in fact that companies are struggling to keep up with the changes. Reorganizing for the Digital Age is a challenge that all companies will have to face. Only 11 percent of global companies report they are prepared to build “the organization of the […]
How to Find Out What is Actually Making Money in Your Company (and What Isn’t)
If you knew accurately what is actually making money in your company wouldn’t that then influence all your decisions regarding cost and investment? Well, isn’t that what accounting is for? The problem is, traditional accounting fails to give a complete and correct picture of what is happening dynamically. Every company is trying to achieve a goal. Sometimes […]
Change and the Decision Making Process
In our previous post, Change: Why Do We Find it So tough? we looked at the fundamental conflict underlying change; that conflict emerges because of our need for control on the one hand, and our need for vision on the other. The need for control and the need for vision are common to individuals as […]
Does Every Organization Need a Vision?
Vision is a crucial element for any organization. The problem is, how do you pin it down and how to you embed it into operations? We had a lot of fun in Italy making a short video about this subject with our good friends Hyphen-Italia, a leader in supporting top brands with Digitalization. In this […]
The New Leadership Skills for Complexity
If Business Schools are churning out people with the skills that are not adequate for today’s complex world, how do we prepare people to work with complexity? It’s not enough to berate the fact that Business Education is lagging behind. We need to find a valid replacement. What kind of education will serve people to […]
How Can We Solve the Urgent Crisis in Project Management?
How many things in our lives are affected by poor project management? We probably can’t even imagine. Time, resources and money are wasted every day around the globe when projects fail to deliver. When it comes to IT, this is an urgent problem. Our lives depend increasingly on software and digitalization is causing that dependence […]
The Risk of Not Working to a Goal Plan? Just Filling Your Time
No matter how busy we may be doing stuff during the day, that “busyness” is not necessarily a measure of progress. In fact, if we haven’t established a goal plan for our work for the year, quarter, month or day, then we really don’t know what we’re doing or why. Unless, of course, our goal […]
Enjoy the Process of Improvement- You Were Made For It
We talk a lot about processes at Intelligent Management. That’s because well-designed and well-managed processes are the bedrock of Quality and healthy organizations. But it’s more than that. Processes require constant attention and continuous improvement. In case that begins to sound like a treadmill, let’s remember something very important and fundamental for our lives: we can […]
Focus on The Goal, or How to Walk on a Tightrope
In business, and in life, there can be times when it feels as though you are walking a tightrope. Every step is hazardous. It’s a scary prospect and it takes great skill to keep your footing. While speaking to an entrepreneur recently we were reminded of the anecdote of a Rabbi who was confident that […]
Misunderstandings – How to Iron Them Out and Smooth Your Workflow
A huge amount of time and energy can be wasted in companies through misunderstandings. They cause blockages and delays because they create frustration and possibly resentment, and if left to fester over time they become chronic problems. Misunderstandings are poison when it comes to creating smooth workflow. So what can we do about it? Before we burn […]