The systemic approach to the economics and management of resources focuses on what can be achieved by combining the resources at hand. This is difficult because we are accustomed to thinking of resources as “belonging” to something, i.e. a function. In this paradigm, resources are allocated to achieve local, functional optima to the detriment of […]
Forget Perfection and Pursue Quality – Relentlessly
In our last post, we looked at eliminating toxic beliefs that choke organizations. In this post, we focus in on the toxic belief of wanting perfection, and how this relates to the serious business of Quality. Perfection – an unattainable goal One of the toxic beliefs people have is that perfection equals success. This is […]
Eliminating Toxic Beliefs that Choke Organizations
An article entitled Six Toxic Beliefs that Ruin Careers‘ hits on a key issue in life and business, namely how our perceptions affect the way we think and act. In this post, we look at how the Decalogue Methodology can address toxic beliefs. Why do some succeed where others fail in the same circumstances? It is […]
How to Do Multitasking Mindfully
In our approach to Project Management, multitasking is one of the most radical changes necessary because Critical Chain requires focussing on one task until it is completed. People think that by hopping from one task to another they are being more “efficient” and getting more done. This is pure illusion because every time we switch […]
Reorganizing for the Digital Age
The nature of work is changing and it’s happening fast. So fast, in fact that companies are struggling to keep up with the changes. Reorganizing for the Digital Age is a challenge that all companies will have to face. Only 11 percent of global companies report they are prepared to build “the organization of the […]
Meaningful Work: Elevating the Individual in the Organization
Why do we work? Work has almost completely changed its shape in the last 40-50 years, and the aim that work is designed to accomplish should change accordingly. Work can no longer simply be the organization of many elements to achieve a profit for a tiny minority. People today have different expectations and a different […]
Organizations as Networks: The Physics of Management
Networks are not just Facebook etc. but also a way we have of understanding nature. Network Theory is a new realm of physics and it matters for management. We were recently asked what we now do differently since the Decalogue methodology, based on Deming and the Theory of Constraints, has become informed by Network Theory. […]
Connecting Actions to Results: Radically Simple Accounting for Real Information
Cost Accounting is not giving companies all the information they really need. That may seem astonishing but it is a fact. There is a much simpler and more straightforward way to get real information from the numbers a company is producing. These numbers are what are needed to make the right decisions about what things are […]
How to Find Out What is Actually Making Money in Your Company (and What Isn’t)
If you knew accurately what is actually making money in your company wouldn’t that then influence all your decisions regarding cost and investment? Well, isn’t that what accounting is for? The problem is, traditional accounting fails to give a complete and correct picture of what is happening dynamically. Every company is trying to achieve a goal. Sometimes […]
Nothing Is Where You Think it Is – Maps and Mental Models
Our continents just got skinnier, America and Europe just got smaller and Africa and South America got a lot bigger. It’s not a hoax. It’s what happens when a school district decides to adopt a more realistic map of the world. It turns out that the images we are all accustomed to seeing reveal cultural […]